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under water sea tarot san francisco

Influences + Resources

Processors, Teachers, Mentors

Through mentoring, counseling, and studying, I’ve become a mentor, processor, and teacher myself. I am an eternal student and I try to bring a beginner's mindset to this work.

A few of the women I’d like to credit include:

Maureen Whitehouse - After studying A Course in Miracles, Maureen became an author, a counselor, and a course leader. Maureen graduated from the Harvard Divinity School and created her own training in miracle-working. Her teachings on Miracle Mindedness, Miracle Matrixing, and Miracle Mastery helped me to recognize miracles and bring them to life for others.


Caroline Leon - After beginning my journey of becoming a full-time Tarot practitioner, I soon realized that while I was a gifted reader, I had no experience running a small business. Caroline has helped me build my business with integrity and soul. Her Soulful Strategy Coaching is designed for business owners who believe in doing well by doing good.

Lindsay Mack - Lindsay Mack has been called the “Oprah of Tarot”. Her contribution to the modern Tarot has been significant, especially her Tarot for the Wild Soul courses. I am grateful for her rewilding approach to interpreting the cards. Like me, Lindsay encourages a release of fear-based card interpretations and embraces a nurturing and supportive engagement. I recommend her podcast and courses to anyone looking to learn to read the Tarot themselves.

Tarot for the Wild Soul Courses I’ve Participated in:

  • Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

  • The Threshold 2021, 2020, 2019

  • Trauma and the Tarot

  • Tarot for What Is

  • Heart of Service

Teaching Tarot
Learning Tarot
Learnig Tarot

Books & Resources

Tarot Books, Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom
Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom Book
Holistic Tarot Learning
Modern Tarot Book
Modern Tarot Book

Tarot Books

I am often asked by clients interested in learning to read for themselves where they can start. Here are a few texts I recommend for beginners:

The most cited work of foundational Tarot knowledge is Rachel Pollack’s Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness. Pollack is credited with understanding the Major Arcana Cards through three lines, I talk about this in my readings and writing a lot.


If you are looking for scholarly work on the Tarot, Benabel Wen’s Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth is academic and exhaustive.

I also like the more recent Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea. This is a fun entry point into the Tarot. The author’s card interpretations reflect the author’s personal journey. As an informative guide, there are some generalizations, but this is a fun text with some neat manifestation ‘spells’.

Other Books

If you feel creatively stuck, join the millions of people who have gotten unstuck with Julia Cameron’s bestselling 12-week self-guided program in The Artist's Way 

I work with my dreams a lot. If you are interested in dreamwork, I recommend Jeremy Taylor’s book, The Wisdom of Your Dreams

I’ve had the pleasure to learn in person from Arthur Levitan, one of the few Taoist masters in the West. His book, Outlast, contains invaluable lessons on Taoism, business, and life.

Joseph Campbell is cited and quoted by the most important cultural scholars and intellectuals of our time, and for good reason. Introducing the term monomyth in The Hero With A Thousand Faces and other works, he provides a perfect scholastic accompaniment to the Tarot. My work is in alignment with his most famous quote:

“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are – if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.”

Michael A. Singer's bestseller, The Untethered Soul has been a fantastic resource for me and informs much of my advice on how we can work with the thinking mind to unhook from limiting beliefs.

Other Book Resources
tarot, therapeutic tarot, tarot reading, tarot session, remote tarot reading, guided meditation, group tarot reading, san francisco tarot
tarot, therapeutic tarot, tarot reading, tarot session, remote tarot reading, guided meditation, group tarot reading, san francisco tarot
Tarot Learning
Joseph Campell Book
Outlast Arther Levitan Book

More Resources


Calm - Most likely, you’re well aware of the benefits of meditation. You’re probably also aware of how difficult creating a regular practice can be. I use the Clam app and I find it very beneficial. I get it for free thanks to my healthcare provider. Any tool that helps you align your mind and breath is perfect.

Julia Jun - I embrace many modalities of healing and Reiki is a supportive tool that I recommend. If you are looking for a Bay Area local practitioner, Julia is world-class.

Laura Perkins - If you are curious to learn more about Thetahealing and even want to become a certified healer yourself, Laura is fantastic. She has been a teacher to me and I have the deepest respect for her work and her writing.

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