The Ten of Wands Invites Us to Let Go
On Sunday we welcomed the Full Moon in Leo. This is the time in our Moon manifestation cycle to let go and let G.O.D. — Good Orderly Direction.
The card that I’m calling forth for this lesson is the Ten of Wands.
At the New Moon, we worked with the Eight of Wands, by bravely throwing our intentions into the world. Between then and now, we’ve started turning those visions into a reality.
Now that we have invested our efforts to make our intentions real, it is time to practice the next stage of manifestation — releasing to the Divine.

In this card we see a figure struggling up a hill carrying ten wands, the most he can manage.
We can guess that he’ll make it to the village, he’s probably done it before. But, if we could speak to him, we’d likely say, “It looks like you could use some help with that, won’t you allow me to carry something for you?”
We’ve all been there. We know what it means to keep our heads down, trudge the road, and refuse assistance; however, when we recall those moments, we must admit that, what we actually desired was attention.
The Wands are all about our fire, they represent our passion, our hustle and Leo is about receiving attention; but ultimately, if we are asking to be recognized for our struggle, we’re seeking negative attention.
We live in a culture that would love us to believe that “hard work pays off” and “no pain, no gain”. We celebrate workaholism.

No wonder then that when we arrive at the Ten of Wands, our impulse is to say, “I’ll just do it myself.”
A good example of this card in real life is when we know additional staff is needed to grow our business, but our inner-voice persists in saying, “It’ll take more work to train someone else than if I just do it myself. And, I’m the only one I can trust to get it done right.”
When we’ve reached this point, it’s time to recognize that we’ve already done our part. If it was supposed to be done under our efforts alone, it would have been achieved by now.
To continue growing our passion and our hustle, we must surrender the idea that struggle is virtuous.
If we’re going to enjoy our achievements, we need to learn how to ask for, and receive, help.

If there is something that feels bigger than you, a goal, a project, a longing that you have been working towards, this is the time to send it up for Spirit to take over.
The important thing to remember when we release our intentions is that we must really let go. That doesn’t mean giving up. It doesn’t mean we stop looking for the miracles we’ve called forth.
It means we fully trust that the Divine has got our backs. Spirit only ever provides what is in the highest and best for us all, and with perfect timing.
When we enter the Second Quarter Moon phase on Monday the 13th, we’ll be tasked to integrate whatever we called forth in this lunar cycle. We’re going to need both our hands free for that.
For this Leo Full Moon ritual, I’m recommending you create a God Jar.

A God Jar is like a suggestion box for your Highest Self. It can be a beautiful glass vessel that you place on an altar, or a recycled can of beans on top of the fridge. Spirit isn’t as fussy as we sometimes pretend.
If there is something from your New Moon vision board that you need help manifesting, write it down and put it in the God Jar. If you’ve got concerns for others, and their well being is out of your control, put their care in the God Jar.
If you want to extend the New Moon ritual, add eight items to your jar, one for each of the candles you lit at the New Moon, plus two more from the two weeks that have past.
You can have as few or as many God Jar requests as you want, and you can continue to submit to your God Jar at any time.
The only rule is, you must really surrender whatever goes into the Jar.
Like a fine souffle, you must allow time for your manifestations and visions to rise. No peeking.

When we manifest with the Moon, we actually get to work with two Full Moons per cycle. The first takes place about two weeks after the New Moon. The second takes place abut six months after the New Moon.
On January 21st we began with the New Moon in Aquarius. The Full Moon in Leo is the first Full Moon for this manifestation cycle. The second will be on August 1st when we have our Full Moon in Aquarius.
Some of the New Moon intentions set on the 21st may have already been realized. Some will still be cooking until our next New Moon on February 19th. Others still will be in their infancy, ready to be realized in the summer.
Whatever intentions you set at the New Moon and that you’ve done all you can to realize, give them to your God Jar. Now is the time to ask the Divine to take over. Give your God Jar at least until August 1st before you go checking in on it.
As you drop the weight of those burdens, KNOW that you are seen, recognized, loved, and supported by Spirit — not for your struggle, but for your trust and your surrender.
